DC Takes Step Toward Energy Transparency
The city publishes a rulemaking for its benchmarking law.
The city publishes a rulemaking for its benchmarking law.
IMT launches Excellence in Energy Code Compliance Award.
In order to receive American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding, states had to guarantee that buildings would achieve 90 percent compliance with target energy codes by 2017. Subsequently, states have started to develop plans on how to measure and track code compliance. See the fact sheet for an outline of best practices for conducting a … Continued
State and even county governments can create structures for code enforcement, or increase support at the local level, by implementing some best practices. See the fact sheet for more.
Streamlining is the practice of improving building regulatory processes to remove overlap and create more efficient administrative procedures. It can make building departments more effective at enforcing building energy codes, while improving customer service and resulting in financial and energy savings. See the fact sheet to learn more.
In Cities Set to Disclose Building Energy Use, Companies Are Rapidly Hiring; Job Growth Would Exceed 59,000 Under a National Policy
New IMT research identifies ways to boost compliance with building energy codes.
Five case studies reveal low-cost strategies for local governments to improve energy efficiency.
IMT has released two more case studies…
A new survey reveals that Americans overwhelmingly support energy codes.