New York City Passes Bold Bill to Slash Buildings’ Climate Impact
NYC’s Climate Mobilization Act is one of the most ambitious actions any city has taken to reduce CO2 emissions. Now the hard work of implementation begins.
NYC’s Climate Mobilization Act is one of the most ambitious actions any city has taken to reduce CO2 emissions. Now the hard work of implementation begins.
This resource guide provides state and local leaders with streamlined access to key existing resources for developing and implementing high-impact building energy benchmarking and transparency programs in their jurisdictions.
This map summarizes which cities, counties, and states have adopted mandatory building energy benchmarking and transparency policies for existing buildings.
This document serves to guide the CEC through the process of stakeholder engagement with a focus on what the Energy Commission should do throughout 2017, prior to the point when the regulations are finalized and approved, to prepare the relevant parties for compliance with the law.
This annual report includes four case studies that further detail the organization’s accomplishments in 2016, including this document, which examines how IMT is working to integrate efficiency into day-to-day business and drive market demand for efficient buildings.
The Alabama Residential Energy Code Field Study: Baseline Report identifies opportunities to reduce homeowner utility bills in residential single-family new construction in Alabama by increasing compliance with the state energy code.
Property Assessed Clean Energy Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing is a structure in which building owners take on debt for energy efficiency or renewable energy improvements that is repaid through an assessment on their property tax bill. The stability of the property tax bill allows building owners to make long-term investments in their buildings … Continued
This matrix compares the requirements of commercial building energy benchmarking and transparency policies in cities and states around the U.S. This document is updated regularly as new policies pass or existing policies are updated. It is part of a suite of matrices that provide quick, high-level comparisons of policy types across jurisdictions. Other matrices in this … Continued
Worldwide, commercial building energy benchmarking and disclosure mandates are becoming more common as policymakers target the building sector in energy and climate protection policies. As such, policymakers are becoming more attuned to building energy performance mandates. These mandates are primarily aimed at existing buildings, which comprise the vast majority of the building stock and present … Continued
The Standard Bearers Award distinguishes jurisdictions that are using cost-effective code compliance strategies that have achieved energy code compliance and energy reduction. IMT and GBPN congratulate the winners of the 2013 Awards. Read about them in the PDF and be sure to sign up for the IMT newsletter to stay informed on applications for the 2014 Award and more!