Twenty Years of Transformation: What’s Next?
Part three in our series recognizing IMT’s 20th anniversary.
Part three in our series recognizing IMT’s 20th anniversary.
Market insights from IREM and IMT.
Download the PDF to view the full sized image of the added value of ENERGY STAR-labeled commercial buildings in the U.S. market. Dozens of statistical studies have proven that commercial tenants, investors, and consumers are willing to pay a premium to lease or buy energy-efficient properties. Even controlling for other factors (like location and size), research … Continued
Part 3 in our series.
Local efficiency action.
Part 2 in our series.
This blog post is the first in a series of three posts examining recent findings and recommendations in IMT’s report, Catalyzing Efficiency: Unlocking Energy Information and Value in Apartment Buildings. This post examines how governments and energy efficiency implementers can help stakeholders better analyze and act upon building performance data to unlock vast savings through … Continued
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Katie Weeks, IMT, 202-525-2883, x306 / New report examines how governments and energy efficiency program implementers can help apartment building owners, residents, lenders and investors better use data to achieve economic and environmental benefits. WASHINGTON, DC (November 3, 2016)—Increasing the energy efficiency of America’s multifamily buildings could save building owners … Continued
IMT releases new Energy Management Information Systems report.
To fully unlock building energy savings potential through energy management information systems (EMIS), commercial real estate professionals need better education on what the technology is and how to use it effectively. Today’s EMIS market is saturated with products, leaving potential adopters in a state of confusion about which product would work best for them. This … Continued