As a trusted, nonpartisan advisor for local, regional, state, and federal policymakers, IMT continuously facilitates collaboration between public and private sector stakeholders to drive demand for high-performance buildings that unleash a variety of environmental, economic, and social benefits for cities across the U.S. Interested in learning more IMT’s work with cities to drive market demand for efficiency and high-performance buildings? Check out our blogs and resources below.

The Latest

Washington Blazes a Trail for State Action on Energy Efficiency

With the Clean Energy Buildings Act, Washington is first state to adopt an existing building performance standard. Last month, Washington State became the first state to adopt an existing building performance standard, putting it at the forefront of all states in addressing energy efficiency in buildings. This blazes a trail that others states are likely … Continued

Catalyzing Market Transformation: Jessica Miller

Jessica Miller, IMT Specialist for Public-Private Strategy and Engagement, shares why cross-sector collaboration is key to achieving national and local climate and building energy reduction goals. What do you value most about building energy efficiency and high-performance buildings? I first got into this field out of an interest in architectural history. I love cities and … Continued

Energy Opportunity Scan Overview

IMT’s Energy Opportunity Scan helps cities gain a deeper understanding o how these market actors view energy efficiency.