Incorporating Equity into Energy Benchmarking: Guidance for Practitioners
Best practices in equity and benchmarking compiled from local government and policy practioners
Best practices in equity and benchmarking compiled from local government and policy practioners
How more stakeholder engagement in utility planning can increase equity and climate action.
An overview of the International Codes Council’s decision to end governmental voting on the model energy code.
In this Q&A, IMT’s Tara Brown shares how she’s supporting equitable policy work in the cities we call home.
Electrification and clean energy require smart, strategic changes in how we regulate buildings.
The Green Lease Leader program is expanding to include multifamily buildings.
Building performance policies can advance social priorities like affordable housing, stakeholder inclusion and equity in energy costs.
Our model BPS law is intended to provide the structural foundation for a strong BPS law in any jurisdiction and is part of a three-piece model law suite.
Building performance policies can facilitate economic recovery and climate action with support from commercial real estate.
Utility franchise agreements offer a big opportunity for jurisdictions seeking more clean energy.