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Impact Evaluation of Nebraska Energy Code Training on Energy Code Compliance

This report presents the results of an impact evaluation of a building energy code training campaign on residential code compliance rates in the state of Nebraska. The authors conducted field inspections on a sample of 42 newly-constructed homes in Nebraska—normalizing, modeling, and comparing the results to a pre-training compliance evaluation. On average the pre-training study … Continued

Assessment of Energy Efficiency Achievable from Improved Compliance with U.S. Building Energy Codes

This report presents the results of a state-by-state analysis of the potential energy and cost savings from improving compliance with building energy codes to 100 percent from current levels. The report also examines 45 statewide compliance evaluation studies, providing a summary of evaluation methods and key findings. Evidence in most states indicates that staggering rates … Continued

Attributing Building Energy Code Savings to Energy Efficiency Programs

Building energy-efficiency codes have received considerable attention lately because of the energy-savings opportunities they present for utilities and other program administrators (PAs). A recent report estimates that upgrades to building energy codes could offset as much as a third of all electricity consumption growth nationally through 2025. PAs are in a strong position to support … Continued


New study projects billions could be saved by ramping up utility energy efficiency programs.

How Energy Codes Make Homes More Efficient

Building energy codes set minimum legal standards for the energy efficiency of new homes. That’s good for the environment because it lowers carbon emissions, and also good for Americans’ bank accounts. Houses built to stronger codes are up to 44 percent more efficient and can save a family hundreds of dollars a year on energy … Continued