Taking action against climate change requires policies and business strategies that ensure carbon emissions reductions in our buildings and communities. Below is a collection of resources that provide information on how cities and the real estate community can drive decarbonization.

The Latest

Vancouver Adopts First Building Performance Standard in Canada

New bylaw will be responsible for an estimated 20% carbon emissions reduction needed to meet City’s 2030 goals. On July 20, 2022 the Vancouver City Council adopted the 2022 Annual Greenhouse Gas and Energy Limits Bylaw. This bylaw will require larger commercial and multifamily buildings in Vancouver to submit a report annually on their energy … Continued

Putting the People into the Plan

An equitable transition to clean power requires utilities to prioritize input from community stakeholders. Too often, frontline communities and advocates are dissuaded from participating in critical decisions by virtue of the opaque, technical process. With coordinated assistance and capacity-building support from local organizations, there are opportunities for stakeholders to intervene and demand private companies incorporate community feedback.