IMT believes that all local governments play a role in creating a more efficient, safer, and healthier built environment for all of their residents. We also acknowledge that every city is unique, and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for cities for reaching their climate and sustainability goals. Therefore, IMT collaborates with cities to provide the mechanisms that work to increase high-performance buildings in each unique municipality. Below is a collection of resources that highlights all of IMT’s work with city governments.

The Latest

How Energy Codes Make Homes More Efficient

Building energy codes set minimum legal standards for the energy efficiency of new homes. That’s good for the environment because it lowers carbon emissions, and also good for Americans’ bank accounts. Houses built to stronger codes are up to 44 percent more efficient and can save a family hundreds of dollars a year on energy … Continued

Philly Passes Benchmarking Bill

As of June 1, 2013, all commercial buildings in Philadelphia larger than 50,000 square feet must be benchmarked…


IMT launches Excellence in Energy Code Compliance Award.