Mayor Bloomberg Releases NYC’s 1st Benchmarking Report
Report analyzes over 1.8 billion square feet.
Report analyzes over 1.8 billion square feet.
Building energy codes set minimum legal standards for the energy efficiency of new homes. That’s good for the environment because it lowers carbon emissions, and also good for Americans’ bank accounts. Houses built to stronger codes are up to 44 percent more efficient and can save a family hundreds of dollars a year on energy … Continued
The city publishes a rulemaking for its benchmarking law.
Energy efficiency is the single most powerful tool…
As of June 1, 2013, all commercial buildings in Philadelphia larger than 50,000 square feet must be benchmarked…
IMT launches Excellence in Energy Code Compliance Award.
Benchmarking policy design guide provides sample policy language…
IMT, Appraisal Institute Collaborate on Updated Guide, Which Explains the Effects of Energy Performance on Property Value
In Cities Set to Disclose Building Energy Use, Companies Are Rapidly Hiring; Job Growth Would Exceed 59,000 Under a National Policy
Today, IMT released two major new reports…