Getting Started with Performance-Based Leasing
An overview of performance-based leasing for commercial building owners and tenants.
An overview of performance-based leasing for commercial building owners and tenants.
The latest developments on the trend toward Building Performance Standards
An overview of next steps for Denver’s proposed building decarbonization policy
Montgomery County, Maryland is set to adopt Building Performance Standards, which would make it the first US county to do so.
Framework co-developed with cities shows how Building Performance Standards can address city climate priorities and aid in promoting equitable economic recovery FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Alexandra Laney, Institute for Market Transformation,; 530-645-2539 Connie Umphress, New Buildings Institute,; 503-367-5767 WASHINGTON, DC (July 20, 2021)—To support efforts to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions … Continued
What empty offices taught us about building efficiency and the path the decarbonization
An interview with Kim Burke of the Colorado State Energy office about Colorado’s new building energy performance law.
Boston is poised to become the latest city to adopt a building performance standard.
The Hub chatted with Cassandra Mellon, Director of Architectural Sales at ROCKWOOL about becoming a Founding Member of the Hub, and the biggest challenges and opportunities she sees for the building industry.
How the Biden administration can set building performance standards for federal buildings that benefit people and climate