What to Expect Under the 2015 IECC, Part 1
Ryan Meres digs into changes to the IECC that will affect home builders.
Ryan Meres digs into changes to the IECC that will affect home builders.
Buildings account for more than 40% of the total energy consumption in the U.S., and addressing their energy use is key to reaching a city’s carbon reduction targets. IMT helps cities engage their building owners, managers, tenants and finance stakeholders in all areas of building efficiency to reduce carbon emissions and bolster local economic development. … Continued
Celebrating excellence in energy code compliance.
Now in its third year, the Standard Bearers Award program is presented by IMT and the International Code Council (ICC). The award seeks to recognize a state, local jurisdiction, and individual who are using cost-effective strategies to achieve energy code compliance and energy use reductions. Energy code compliance refers to whether a building meets the … Continued
A new online tool democratizes building code development.
Taking a look back at 2013—which was a banner year for IMT with significant developments in each of our program areas—IMT released its first Annual Report. The report highlights key achievements in 2013. We are encouraged that 10 billion square feet of space are now affected by building energy benchmarking policies nationwide—a number that is … Continued
Many opportunities lay ahead for better code compliance.
IMT provides several brochures explaining how the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) applies to additions, alterations, renovations, and repairs to buildings. Both commercial and residential buildings are covered, as are special focus areas: Commercial Lighting, Residential HVAC, and Residential Insulation & Air Leakage, and Commercial Roofing. We encourage builders and building officials to download and … Continued
IMT provides several free brochures explaining how the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) applies to additions, alterations, renovations, and repairs to buildings. Both commercial and residential buildings are covered, as are special focus areas: Commercial Lighting, Residential HVAC, Residential Insulation & Air Leakage, and Commercial Roofing. We encourage builders and building officials to download and … Continued
Awarding excellence in energy code compliance.