What will it take to build thriving communities?

We build with others.
IMT works collaboratively with others to maximize the impact of the whole and harness the range of available strengths without reproducing efforts.

We always move to scale.
IMT works on projects and programs that it can replicate at scale to deliver big gains, and identifies and replicates global best practices

We center social and racial equity.
We work to maximize benefits of high-performing buildings for everyone, especially those who lack access, and to build community wealth and power through inclusive engagement processes.

We are judicious in our investments.
IMT focuses its resources to maximize impact and target strategic growth where the organization can lay foundations for ongoing market transformation.
Our Accomplishments

Raising the bar
- Building affordability, health and resilience
- Holistic building policymaking
- Economic opportunity

Supporting early adopters
- Community-led policy
- Performance-based and green leases
- Building policy expansion
- Hourly energy use tracking
- High-efficiency HVAC pilot
- Residential and multifamily energy savings
- Energy code adoption

Making it easier to act
Putting it All Together: Community Climate Shift
At the start of 2022, the White House Council on Environmental Quality launched the National Building Performance Standards Coalition, with more than 30 local and state governments committing to take aggressive action to work with community and regulate buildings and their impact on the environment. In response, IMT and the People’s Climate Innovation Center issued a call to action as governments across the country continue to commit to ambitious climate goals that require better buildings. Named Community Climate Shift, this effort seeks to bring together a coalition of local governments, communities, environmental justice leaders, decarbonization experts, and philanthropy to activate a widespread shift.
The goal: To ensure that communities across the country have the resources they need to protect themselves against climate change through community ownership and better buildings.

Our impact is strongest when created in partnership.
IMT generates 90% of its support from philanthropy. Large or small, your contribution helps IMT pilot new projects, respond to emerging opportunities, and scale proven solutions. Make a gift today.