Challenging the private sector
Private Sector Challenges
City government-led energy efficiency challenges engage private sector building owners, operators, and tenants as partners in helping meet city-wide climate and sustainability goals.
City Examples
Denver Lease for Efficiency Factsheet
Denver’s Lease for Efficiency factsheet promotes its program aimed to drive more efficient spaces for tenants in leased commercial real estate buildings.
Energize St. Paul Website
Energize St. Paul launched a website to help provide information and recruit participants for its city-wide summer program targeting large commercial, multifamily, and public buildings to maximize their energy efficiency with operations and maintenance based solutions.
ReEnergize Reno Fact Sheet
ReEnergize Reno produced a fact sheet to support its announcement and provide details to the community about who should participate and how to learn more about the program, and getting started with tracking energy use.
ReEnergize Reno Seeks to Improve Efficiency of Commercial Buildings 20 percent by 2025
ReEnergize Reno issued a press announcement to release information on its new program Reenergize Reno, to improve the energy and water efficiency of commercial, industrial and multifamily buildings 20 percent by 2025. The announcement also invited anyone to attend the launch event for the program.
ReEnergize Reno Website
ReEnergize Reno’s website focuses on the basic information, and details to engage in the challenge program, which is designed to help building owners reduce building energy and water consumption.
The New York City Carbon Challenge
The New York City Carbon Challenge is a voluntary leadership initiative and public-private partnership between the NYC Mayor’s Office and leaders in the private, institutional, and non-profit sectors who have committed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 30% or more over ten years.